The LifeGem Team... Who, What, & When

LifeGem teamLifeGem was founded in June of 1999 to develop and promote the LifeGem Memorial Diamond. The idea presented itself after years of serious discussion over the concept of death and mortality between the inventors of LifeGem. Founding member Rusty VandenBiesen sparked this debate with his now famous words, “I am not afraid of dying, I’m afraid of being dead!”

Since releasing the LifeGem diamond to the world in August of 2002, LifeGem has grown into a successful worldwide corporation. Brothers Dean and Rusty VandenBiesen along with Greg Herro and dozens of employees around the world are committed to creating high quality memorial diamonds from the carbon of a loved one and providing the service that your clients expect and deserve. At LifeGem we offer an exclusive product that will remain a treasured family heirloom for generations to come, enhancing not only your business, but your relationship with your clients. Everything you need to know to get started is right here at your fingertips, and as always, we are just a phone call away. We look forward to working with you.

It was October 2002, NFDA San Antonio, when I first spoke to Dean at LifeGem about their diamonds. After a few months of research, we decided this was an intriguing idea, but we wondered if LifeGem would be worth the time.

In January 2004, we helped a young lady, whose mother died, with the first LifeGem in Virginia. When the two diamonds arrived, I was taken back by their beauty. So sparkly and clear they seem to just jump out at me. Not being a gemologist, I took the two LifeGems to a reputable jeweler in my area. He said, “The brilliance is absolutely beautiful.”

The next day I called Jennifer to bring her mother’s LifeGem to her. The drive took 1 ½ hours, and Jennifer called me every 15 minutes for an update. With each call you could tell by her voice her excitement was intensifying.

As I walked up her sidewalk, the porch door swung open, and she met me at her bottom step yelling out “You’re here!” I removed the two LifeGems, each mounted in a pendant, and gave them to Jennifer. She held them in her hand. What was once nervous excitement was now comfort and peace… Yes. It was worth the time.

Kevin B. Smith, Owner, Berceuse Funeral and Cremation Traditions, Hampton, VA

Last Thursday John and I made the trip to Western Australia to deliver Australia’s first LifeGem Memorial Diamond. We met Linda Bruce and her children at the television studio where they did a story on LifeGem while John presented Linda with the diamond. She was shaking, crying, and thought the memorial was just beautiful. We all had tears in our eyes.

Whilst John and I were driving Linda and her two sons (aged 11 and 14 yrs) back to their hotel, I heard her youngest boy say, “Mum, show me dad again”. He then kissed the ring… tears all around - again!

The segment was aired that same night, and we have received a number of enquiries from W.A already. The segment will be shown throughout the rest of the country soon.

I spoke with Linda on the phone (the next day) and she said she has become the ‘Town Celebrity’. Everyone has recognized her, the hairdresser, the baker etc. All the children from her sons’ school rushed up to them the following morning and asked lots of questions but more importantly wanted to look at the ring. Linda has been asked by the hospice unit that cared for her late husband to give a talk to all the staff today, and of course, to explain LifeGem. Great news.

Michelle Sabau, Bunurong Memorial Park, Cemetery and Crematorium, Australia

We've now been in business for over 15 years! What are you waiting for... get signed up today! Call us at (847) 299-5906, or click here to sign up online!

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Want to read a little more before signing up for free?

Benefits of becoming a LifeGem Partner...
How to display the LifeGem in your facility...
How easy it is to take an order...
More about the LifeGem process...


I have not forgotten that I told you I would send you a picture of my ring. The ring is gorgeous. You might just have to come to North Carolina and see it.

I've gone to my Compassionate   (more...)

Cheri Newman (Mother)
